Do You Want to Drop a Dress Size by Christmas? I have 5 slots open on my Lean Queen 12 week Christmas challenge 🚀 

If you want to achieve your goals and get great results, lose a stone (14lbs/7kg) or drop a dress size BEFORE Christmas …

Without it using up hours of your time, doing restrictive diets or gruelling gym plans.

Then DM me “INFO” now to join the challenge waitlist- Guaranteed to lose a stone by Christmas🎄Without diets, gyms, or stress.

*UNLESS you are going to listen to your usual excuses about having

no money💰 the cost of this mind body transformation is £999 pay in full. 

The truth is you would spend that and more on supplements, gimmicks, nails, and coffees over three months!

*Or the most common excuse “I have no time” 

All it takes is minimum time per week working on small daily habits like 

10 mins of food prep, 10 mins exercise and 10 mins self-care per day and one coaching call per week. 

You would spend that time watching Netflix, scrolling FB and Instagram! 

If you cannot commit to the above

Then you are not serious about change!

(And probably not a good fit for the program)

There will NEVER be a right time to make a change🧐

Let’s chat about how easy we can make this for you so you are guaranteed results this Christmas.. 

Starts October 16th.DM me “INFO to join my waitlist


This Leaner challenge is for:

  • Struggle to eat well?

  • Go off track on the weekends?

  • Lack motivation and stick to a plan?

  • Have some lockdown excess?

  • Struggle with your sleep routine?

  • If you have answered yes to the above, then I would love to help you get started on myLEAN QUEEN CHRISTMAS CHALLENGE

What the program will do for you:

  • Help you get leaner and change your body shape.

  • Have a coach supporting you to your goals every step of the way.

  • Increase your strength and improve your fitness.

  • A nutrition plan customised to your lifestyle (That allows a few beers/ wines at the weekend)

What you get:

  • Results driven program

  • Being held accountable, so that I can see where you blind spots maybe when it comes to food, sleep, exercise, or mindset.

  • Daily motivational tips to help you keep you on track

  • Weekly zoom call: to help keep you accountable, support you and help where needed.

  • Held in a container with like-minded people who enjoy working with others

  • Lifetime Access to my resources: Food diary Mood and habit trackers, My recipe book that has 90 nutritious meals for you and your family.

  • Mindset tools to help focus and create positives that last.

  • Support in a non-judgemental way.

  • Access to my exercise videos whether a beginner or someone who has exercised in the past

Who's your coach:


Mike spiring

I am both passionate about health, fitness & wellbeing. I strive to work with our clients to help them reach their goals & desired results. I opened Leaner for life in March 2020 chose a name and logo that best fitted to my vision for my clients, the Leaner for life concept is to inspire you with confidence drive and commitment to succeed in your goals. Who do I work with? People who are committed to make daily changes & take small steps towards their end goal People who know they want more from life but don’t know which way to turn, how to start & who to ask Real people willing to put in the work Is this you? So, why am I different?  -  I will coach you to ensure you stick to the process  -  You will receive full accountability through each aspect of your life: Mindset, Nutrition, Fitness & Self-Care so you get lasting results  -  I am results driven  -  I will work to ensure you feel comfortable & confident throughout this process  -  I am not just your average coach, I am passionate, committed & have the expertise to help you reach your goals  -  Your goals are my goals,results count

This is a hands-on program where you will have access to me for the 90 days

The investment for this program will be £999


Recommendation for Leaner For Life With Mike Spiring

Louise Crowthers

I whole heartedly recommend Mike at Leaner for Life who enabled me to reach my weight loss and fitness goals. Over the 12 weeks, I was accountable to Mike for nutrition and fitness. He monitored and reviewed my food intake and alcohol intake weekly. However I never felt deprived as everything was in moderation. The result of this was a weight loss of 19.5 pounds and body measurement loss of 33cm. The plan is as it says, for life, so now that I have lost this weight, I have the tools to maintain my current weight or perhaps lose a little more. As part of my regime, I exercise every day. Mike’s classes are challenging but he certainly makes them more enjoyable with his banter and sense of humour. I was hesitant as to whether or not to start the 12 week plan, but I am so glad I did. If you are in any doubt, do it!

Recommendation for Leaner For Life With Mike Spiring


Ive just completed the 12 week leaner for life course with Mike, i am really pleased with the results not just the weight I’ve lost but all the positive changes i have made. I struggled to lose baby weight after having my two little ones, i put on overall nearly two stone. It was making me really unhappy, i tried slimming world and also joe wicks and none of it worked and needed to do something that would fit in with a busy lifestyle with two children. The course is not a diet and helped me think about what im eating and how to still enjoy food without being restrictive. I also used to just drink fizzy drinks now i don’t drink any and fill up on water instead. Overall i have lost nearly a stone and 12 inches. Being able to fit into my pre pregnancy clothes, and getting some confidence back. My fitness has increased massively, one thing important to me was to increase my overall fitness and health so i can do as much as i can with the kids. I gone from one kettlebell class a week 6 months ago to at least 5 sessions of exercise a week and actually enjoy it, its no longer a chore like it used to be. I have also suffered from anxiety in the past, which got worse after my second child and i Couldnt control it and at such an uncertain time it can definantly take over, the course has helped as i journal my worries and rationalise them, its not just about your physical health but your mental health which is just as important. I am now continuing my learning with mike as i am pleased with how well i have done but know Ive still got further to go and with all round support from Mike I can do it.

Recommendation for Leaner For Life With Mike Spiring


Going into week 8 feeling positive. My weight has gone down and clothes that didn’t fit pre- lockdown are now starting to again which is a really nice feeling. I feel more in control of making positive and healthier food choices, making sure I’m having lots of protein and water too. My exercise levels have changed dramatically and I’m excited to get stuck in to the new programmes on your website this week. They might be tough to start with but I like a challenge. (I think). I was speaking to a friend yesterday and I said how refreshing it is to finally feel like ‘I’m not on a diet’ it’s been a massive mindset change. I’ve been ‘dieting’ for as long as I can remember and my relationship and the guilt I felt around food and drink always led me to rebelling. So it’s lovely just concentrating on being healthier, getting fitter and not feeling so negative all the time. Thanks for all your help and support as always. [11:08, 03/07/2020] Lynne : War and peace, here we go!!! I’ve been a yo-yo dieter for as long as I can remember. Have probably lost my body weight twice over in the grand scale of things! When I spoke to Mike, what he was proposing sounded different to what I have done in the past. It’s not all about what the scales say, after all if they don’t say what you want them to, you feel it’s a long battle ahead. My key focus is about feeling better, more energetic and being confident. I can honestly say I haven’t dieted just making good healthy choices instead. Still eating what I like and enjoying it. I have up-ed my exercise and Mike encourages you to do the exercise you like rather than it being a chore. The journey isn’t a race, it’s about changing your mindset. I’m confident that when I get to where I want to be, I can stay there �� [11:09, 03/07/2020] Lynne : Results, 1 stone 1 lb ( sorry mike I weighed this morning) 7 and a quarter inches loss and boat loads of confidence and energy

Recommendation for Leaner For Life Program With Mike


I never thought I would get into the program. 6 months down the line I am definitely in it to win it. Negativity was always at the forefront and beating me down. Mike some how always managed to find a positive in everything I did which has now made me start to look more at the positives. Alongside that though the exercise has now become a way of life it helps me to cope and come out strong no matter what each day gives whether it be financial, work or emotional. I don't get ill as often as I did and physically feel more stronger and stable in all aspects. You need to put the work in to get the benefits but it's so worthwhile. I've been doing the program for 6 months and the benefits have been continuity and discipline in my exercise and eating habits. I have learnt to plan and be more organised with what I am going to eat. I have learnt to not focus on the negative and rather focus on what I am doing that I am a stronger, happier person both, physically and emotionally. Thank you Mike.

Recommendation for Leaner For Life Program With Mike


Mike. Thanks for the Leaner you in 28 days course. Really opened my eyes as to what I was eating and drinking especially alcohol!!!! Doing a food diary really put things in perspective for me. I now drink a lot more water. Between 4 and 5 pints a day. Eating a lot more healthily too. Like you said it;s not going to get me fit as a fiddle or as lean as an athlete in 28 days but it has given me the encouragement and motivation to carry on being positive. Only I can do this but your on line support via video calls and your fitness workouts were great. Thanks again mate. Matt.
Watch Intro Video

Huge congratulations to my client Louise, who has made incredible progress towards their goals! Not only have they made a physical transformation, but they’ve helped inspire so many others. Check out Louise's story
